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“Maju, maju, maju! Ya, awas hati-hati! Okeh…” terdengar suara seperti tukang parkir. Sebenabrnya, yang terjadi bukanlah itu, namun itulah suara komando dari seorang pengurus OSDC (Organisasi Santri Darunnajah Cipining) yang tengah mengomando teman-temannya sesama pengurus dalam mengangkat almari dan beberapa peralatan lain milik bagian perpustakaan

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VIVAnews - Esemka car emissions test failure is disappointing among the teachers involved in the manufacture of the car. However, the educators will make it a failure as a learning process.
"It's a little bit disappointed not pass the emissions test. But if it is correct result like that, yes of course for all learning," said Chairman of Automotive Skill Competency SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta, Bambang Suprayitno to VIVAnews.com, Friday, March 2, 2012.
He said the shortage is causing Esemka car does not pass the emissions test will be addressed further later in order to repeat the emissions test again. "We'll fix the first in engine exhaust gas and improve quality. Kan future, there is still a chance for the emissions test," he said.
Furthermore, Bambang said although it did not pass the emissions test, but the future will continue to fight for the support Jokowi Esemka car.
"My students will still support Mr. Jokowi. Do not let down. Though now but the future is concerned Esemka car should rise again," please him.
The same thing also disclosed Principal, SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta, Susanta. According to him, he still supports Jokowi to mengegolkan Esemka car as a national car. "We back up Mr. Jokowi because he is moving the students and schools to make the car Esemka," he explained.With no car emissions test Esemka graduation, Susanta will admit to fix all the shortcomings that remain. "The creative work must still be addressed because it will be able to get a new science. In addition, we continue to encourage students not to despair," he said.
Esemka did not pass the emissions test, but it's not set in stone. Transport Minister EE Mangindaan said it supports the work of the country's children. "In order not to damage the safe and friendly environment, including equipment therein. So it's not set in stone, we would support," said Mangindaan at the State Palace on Friday, March 2, 2012.
Meanwhile, Jokowi claimed to have prepared a new strategy to pass the emissions test Esemka next. "We have prepared the accompanying supervision specifically related to the exhaust gas. I believe the children are able to fix it," said SMK Negeri 2 Jokowi in Surakarta, Friday, March 2, 2012.
Furthermore, Jokowi, admitted flooded offer from the practitioners who intend to help improve the quality of car exhaust Esemka. Apart from Solo, the practitioners were also from various other cities, like Jakarta and Yogyakart

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